Andrew, this made my heartache. 7 of my officemates resigned for this semester because my office's management sucks. They keep putting the workload on us like it's easy as one snap. But this newsletter entry made me step back and take a deep breath. I don't know what I'm going to do next since finding for a new job during the pandemic is very hard and YES I'm grateful and I'lll keep on following the light. Thanks Andrew.

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I am sorry you are going through that, Stephanie. My heart goes out to you. I remember the uncertainty and anxiety I felt when I left my last job all too well. It is not easy.

I am sure there are things you are going to miss from your job, nonetheless. I know I miss some of the things from my old job, even though in the moment I was trying to get to the end of my work days as quickly as possible.

Maybe you will miss your early morning walks to the office or conversations with some of your coworkers. You may miss them because everything in life is precious - we will only see certain people and do certain things a fixed amount of times.

You will find that new job you are looking for, I am sure of it. Until then, I hope you cherish every moment. Sending you lots of love and light my friend.

Love, Andrew

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Jul 6, 2021Liked by Andrew

Hi, Andrew! Thank you for this. Your words really brought sunshine into my life again. It's been awhile since I've been able to resonate with anything. I'm not good with words but I always look forward to your newsletters.

I hope you're having a good day today. All the love from Philippines. 💖x

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You’re welcome, Nicole! I am so happy my words are bringing sunshine into your life, that fills my heart with warmth knowing that.

I hope you are having an amazing day!

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Jun 29, 2021Liked by Andrew

Thank you for this, Andrew - it's been really easy to take things for granted throughout the pandemic and this entry really helped ground me.

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You’re so welcome, Alice. I am happy this newsletter helped you. Sending you lots of love!

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